Beginner Horse Riding Lessons
at Horse + Bow
If your student is interested in exploring horseback riding lessons, our horse riding lessons near Austin, TX may be the perfect fit. We are not a fancy show barn and do not have requirements that you own or lease a horse. We are a private, family ranch with horses of our own, that we love dearly, and want to share with others in a fun, casual, and comfortable setting.
Learn to Ride
Our horseback riding lessons are a little different than most places. We teach English riding lessons, and we start with learning to care for the horse and connect with the horse on the ground.
We believe that we earn the right to ride only after we have taken the time to understand the horse’s needs and build trust.
The first handful of horse riding lessons will have limited riding time, with more time focused on connecting through groundwork and horse care, learning how horses communicate and communicating back our awareness. Students will learn to catch horses in the pasture, lead horses safely, brush the horse’s body, clean their feet, assess and feed appropriate supplements or apply medications, and more, before saddling up. After riding, students will untack, bathe the horse if needed and return it to its paddock. All of this is supervised closely until the student demonstrates the ability to do these tasks on their own.
If this sounds like the type of horse riding lessons you or your child would like to experience, reach out to book a trial lesson.

Leadership + Life Skills
Weekly Group Horse Class
We also offer an affordable weekly group horse class for kids ages 5-14. We enjoy team building activities with horses, mindfulness and meditation with horses, painting horses and other horse art and more, all while learning about and from horses. Riding time is more limited in this class because of the group nature, but monthly enrollment includes one private horse riding lesson as well!
The Spring session, starts Wednesday, March 20th and meets weekly from 5-6:30pm.
Get more details and sign up for a discounted trial class at the link below.